Ban's CIA and DC


Políticas del Terror
Overseas Safety
Overseas Safety - Hostages
FARC's hostage politics
Tibet People's War Genocide
Terror Regime - Burma/Myanmar
Dossier Shalit
Bhutto Assassinated
Murder in Paradise
Sunshine Policy and Crimes
Incluyendo el Horroroso Bio-Terrorismo
Burnt offering at the UN
Un holocausto en la ONU
Ban's CIA and DC
The Chaplain and Communism
El capellán y el comunismo
UN Human Rights
About Me


January 9th 2008

"I had to leave Brussels in early 2001 abandoning everything, rejecting their dirty compensation with the condition attached that I should not return to Seoul. Nho Gil-Sang is a person who attempted to appease me in front of the Palais de Justice saying that the world is about who eats more, and he committed bioterrorism, and tried to threaten me by mentioning Interpol at church."

From Chinese women to Japanese girls - Mr. K

Interpol - Nho diplomat and terrorist

Nazi - doctor agent Sturgeon





Seoul, Korea

Home | Políticas del Terror | Overseas Safety | Overseas Safety - Hostages | FARC's hostage politics | Tibet People's War Genocide | Terror Regime - Burma/Myanmar | Dossier Shalit | Bhutto Assassinated | Murder in Paradise | Sunshine Policy and Crimes | Incluyendo el Horroroso Bio-Terrorismo | Burnt offering at the UN | Un holocausto en la ONU | Ban's CIA and DC | The Chaplain and Communism | El capellán y el comunismo | Prostitution | UN Human Rights | Favorites | About Me

This site was last updated 06/15/08 -  Seoul, Korea