Overseas Security - Risk of Terrorism
'Myanmar could be close to
testing nuke bomb' Updated on Saturday, August 01, 2009, 14:07 IST
Defectors speak of nuke plans Aug 1, 2009 SYDNEY - NORTH Korea is
helping Myanmar build a secret nuclear reactor and plutonium extraction
plant to build an atomic bomb within five years, a report said on Saturday,
citing the evidence of defectors. ... Moe Jo, a former army officer,
allegedly told Ball he was trained for a 1,000-man 'nuclear battalion' and
that Myanmar had provided yellowcake uranium to North Korea and Iran.
Revealed: Burma’s nuclear bombshell Hamish McDonald Asia-Pacific Editor
August 1, 2009
Burma’s nuclear secrets August 1, 2009
Burma Secret Nuclear Reactor Under Construction With N Korean Help:
Defectors Huffington Post First Posted: 07-31-09 02:37 PM
US fears N Korea-Burma nuclear transfers. The United States is worried
about the transfer of nuclear technology from North Korea to Burma,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday. 17:13 AEST Wed Jul 22
Secret N. Korea-Myanmar arms deal feared By Indira A.R. Lakshmanan
Bloomberg News Posted on Wed, Jul. 22, 2009
Clinton Warns Against North Korea-Myanmar Nuclear Tie (Update1) By
Indira A.R. Lakshmanan July 22 (Bloomberg)
Is Burma Going
Nuclear? By DENIS D GRAY / AP WRITER Tuesday, July 21, 2009 "Since the
early 2000s, dissidents and defectors from Burma have talked of a "nuclear
battalion," an atomic "Ayelar Project" working out of a disguised flour mill
and two Pakistani scientists who fled to Burma following the September 11
World Trade Center attack providing assistance."
Burma suspected of forming nuclear link with North Korea • Hillary
Clinton warns of military co-operation between regimes • Proliferation
experts track purchases of suspicious equipment Julian Borger, diplomatic
editor guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 21 July 2009 18.00 BST
Derailing The Burma Missile Express July 14, 2009: Japanese police
recently arrested three men and charged them with trying to illegally export
ballistic missile
WMD* on
Board JULY 13, 2009 North Korea will keep trying to smuggle missiles and
worse. [*weapons of mass destruction (WMD)]
North Korean weapons ship returns home Was this a triumph of
international pressure? Or will the Kang Nam sail with another shipment
soon? By Don Kirk | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor from the
July 8, 2009 edition
North Korean military workers sighted near Indian border: report. July
5th, 2009
Burma, North Korea Said To Expand Military Ties Jul-02-2009 20:51 Kyaw
Min Htun Special to Salem-News.com Exile Burmese media have voiced alarm in
recent days at reports of growing ties between Burma and nuclear-armed North
North Korean 'weapons to Burma' ship tracked by US. A North Korean ship
suspected of carrying weapons to Burma has reversed direction after being
tracked by the United States Navy. By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai and Thomas
Bell in Bangkok Published: 4:40PM BST 01 Jul 2009
Burma May Be North Korea's Best Friend By Ishaan Tharoor Friday, Jun.
26, 2009
The Sunshine Policy in the Kim Dae-Jung
regime - Cash-for-summit 2000 Vice Minister Ban Ki-Moon in 2000
Why does Kim Jong-Il want the development and
proliferation of nuclear weapons?
World's Greatest Proliferators of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles-
Risk of Nuclear Terrorism. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Burmese concerned if Aung San Suu Kyi being exploited to lift sanctions
Tue, 2009-10-13 03:40
Tortured in Prison: AI By KO HTWE Friday, September 25, 2009
Ethnic challenge for Myanmar Sep. 6, 2009
Burma's rising toll: The junta widens ethnic wars Posted on Thursday,
Influx from Myanmar creates headache for China. The regime's move
against militants, which has sent refugees and rebels fleeing across the
border, is seen as a bid to boost domestic support ahead of elections, and
possibly a signal to Beijing. By Mark Magnier Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 30, 2009
Thousands flee Myanmar fighting By Thomas Fuller International Herald
Tribune / August 29, 2009
Japan urges Myanmar junta to release Suu Kyi soon Tue, Aug 25, 2009 AFP
The military has ruled Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, since 1962,
launching bloody crackdowns on pro-democracy protests in 1988 and 2007 and
jailing dozens of the junta's opponents over the past year.
Suu Kyi
visitor tells of 'sorrow' 29 August 2009 02:43 UK
Burma: Another Darfur? By SAW YAN NAING Thursday, August 20, 2009
How do you
apply pressure on Burma? By Paul Reynolds World affairs correspondent,
BBC News website 11 August 2009 12:02 UK There is no shortage of countries
willing to arm Burma's military
Judicial Terror: The conviction
of Burma's opposition leader doesn't show clemency or compromise; it's a
sign of the regime's desperation. By Melinda Liu | Newsweek Web
Exclusive Aug 11, 2009
Reaction: Aung
San Suu Kyi trial 11 August 2009 13:11 UK
Burmese Activist Found Guilty; House Arrest Extended By SETH MYDANS
Published: August 11, 2009
Aung San Suu Kyi says trial is test of Burma's legal and political system
Pro-democracy leader tells court that verdict cannot be reached without
addressing legality of her house arrest Peter Walker and agencies
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 4 August 2009 09.13 BST
'Wall of secrecy' over torture: Report 11:55 AM Aug 04, 2009
Burma's Suu Kyi charged under defunct constitution: trial witness Last
Updated: Friday, July 10, 2009 | 1:00 PM ET
Suu Kyi Awarded
Gandhi Prize By THE IRRAWADDY Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Myanmar's Suu Kyi: I did not violate house arrest May 26, 2009
Burma's Suu Kyi refuses to see government liaison Updated September 4,
2008 11:43:15
Reports: Aung San Suu Kyi refuses doctor September 3, 2008
Locked in Burma: After 13 years of detention, Aung San Suu Kyi perfectly
represents the suffering of the Burmese people, effectively trapped in the
world's biggest prison. Pressure is building on the UN to act September 02
Myanmar's Suu Kyi "well" after refusing food. Mon Sep 1, 2008 10:49am
Five, last year's protesters, arrested again Than Htike Oo and Myint
Maung Friday, 29 August 2008 13:06
Global, Asean
Intervention Needed on Suu Kyi Case:
SAW YAN NAING Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Burma's Suu Kyi 'on hunger strike' Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's detained
opposition leader, is said to be on a hunger strike in protest at her
country's brutal military regime. 27 Aug 2008
Suu Kyi 'on hunger strike' By Andrew Buncombe, Asia Correspondent
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Suu Kyi fails
to pick up food delivery in Myanmar AP foreign, Tuesday August 26 2008
Myanmar: Suu Kyi's Party: UN
Envoy To Myanmar Wasting Time 2008-08-25 10:12
Myanmar Opposition Concerned About Suu Kyi's Health (Update1) By Daniel
Ten Kate Aug. 21 (Bloomberg)
junta prevents Christians and Buddhists from providing help, increasing
censorship MYANMAR 08/20/2008 15:36
Letter from Rangoon. Drowning. Can the Burmese people rescue themselves?
by George Packer August 25, 2008 Aug 17, 2008
5 Myanmar activists sentenced for marking uprising Aug 16, 2008
Twenty painful years Hopes for change have yielded to despair Aug 14th
2008 | YANGON From The Economist print edition
Myanmar's sad anniversary Aug 13th 2008
Myanmar police arrest opposition party executive 1:41 a.m. August 12,
Aung San Suu Kyi detention extended August 11, 2008 -- Updated 0705 GMT
(1505 HKT)
Prominent Myanmar human rights activist arrested The Associated Press
Published: August 9, 2008
Burmese junta arrests 48 on uprising anniversary eve Submitted by Sahil
Nagpal on Sat, 08/09/2008
Arrests as
Burma marks uprising 8 August 2008
Secret court may jail Burma comic Maung Thura for helping Cyclone Nargis
victims August 8, 2008
Staying Alive Friday, Aug. 08, 2008 By ANDREW MARSHALL
Suu Kyi house arrest 'violates human rights' The Associated
Press Published: August 6, 2008
Bush looks to Thai trip to raise Burma awareness Mizzima News Friday, 01
August 2008 19:02
Torture Survivor Campaigns for Freedom in Burma. By Jane Morse July 26,
US to renew ban on Myanmar imports. 25 Jul 2008, 0738 hrs IST,AFP
Burma urged to hold free, fair election From correspondents in
Singapore. July 23, 2008 03:32pm
Myanmar signs ASEAN charter despite criticism of rights record Devin
Montgomery at 9:23 AM ET 08.07.21
junta hints at release for Aung San Suu Kyi in 6 months 2008.07.20
A New Generation of Activists Arises in Burma. Network Strengthened By
Junta's Crackdown, Post-Cyclone Bungling Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, July 20, 2008; Page A12
Security tight in Myanmar as death of Aung San Suu Kyi's father commemorated
The Associated Press Published: July 19, 2008
Seeds of further uprising amid the fear and intimidation New wave of
opposition activists wants extreme, even armed, action. Clancy Chassay
in Rangoon The Guardian, Saturday July 19, 2008
Myanmar court charges 14 for Suu Kyi protest 08.07.17
'Free Daw Suu' campaigners charged with instigating public unrest
Wednesday, 16 July 2008 20:28
devastated and dejected after Nargis 08.07.11
Prince Charles meets Burmese students Mizzima News Wednesday, 09 July
2008 22:17
G8 leaders
seek freedom for Aung San Suu Kyi 9 Jul 2008
Burma: Military junta challenges opposition to contest elections Rangoon,
7 July (AKI)
Burmese junta says the 1990 NLD victory no longer legal Updated Mon Jul
7, 2008 0:56am AEST
Fourteen pro-democracy protesters have gone on trial in Myanmar Jul 5,
Myanmar jails 4 activists for "no" vote campaign Fri Jul 4, 2008 12:07pm
Tightened on Insein Political Prisoners By WAI MOE Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Lee Myung-Bak What did you do?
Disgusting and abominable crimes
Myanmar police arrest protester calling for freedom of political prisoners
The Associated Press Published: June 25, 2008
14 held
after Suu Kyi birthday protest in Myanmar Agence France Presse World,
Petition Filed
Against Detention of Suu Kyi By LALIT K JHA / WASHINGTON Friday, June
20, 2008
Brown, Sarkozy demand Suu Kyi's release Indo-Asian News Service
Thursday, June 19, 2008
disperse protesters on Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday Reuters, The
Associated Press Published: June 19, 2008
Myanmar's monks call on EU to bring junta chief to court Posted : Wed,
18 Jun 2008 12:17:01 GMT
Student activists helping Nargis victims arrested Solomon Monday, 16
June 2008 23:56
Generals Deserve to be Flogged: US Congressman By LALIT K JHA /
WASHINGTON Monday, June 16, 2008
Outrage at Suu Kyi ‘flogging’ suggestion JUNE 13, 2008
Suu Kyi should be beaten says junta by JOEL TAYLOR - Wednesday, June 11,
Suu Kyi given freedom of Dundee 10 June 2008
'Burma: It Can't Wait' Campaign Extends into June in Wake of Myanmar Cyclone
Tragedy June 09, 2008
Dissenting comic 'Tweezers' locked up for jokes From correspondents in
Rangoon. June 06, 2008 03:44am
Myanmar charter 'washes away' Suu Kyi victory: state media Tuesday, June
3, 2008 - 07:30
Suu Kyi’s fate overshadowed by Myanmar cyclone. The icon of Myanmars
pro-democracy cause has paid a high price for her fame AFP, BANGKOK Sunday,
Jun 01, 2008, Page 14
Cyclone Survivors
Expelled From Refugee Camps By Burma's Junta Posted May 31, 2008
Burma: cyclone victims can survive on own. BURMA's military government
has lashed out at donors who promised millions of dollars of aid, saying the
survivors of Cyclone Nargis didn't need "bars of chocolate". May 30, 2008
The Depayin
Massacre, Five Years Later By SAW YAN NAING Friday, May 30, 2008
Burma Blames Suu
Kyi & Fake Donors For Riots. Friday, 30 May 2008, 2:57 pm Column:
Richard S. Ehrlich
Anger at
extension of Suu Kyi's detention Wed May 28, 2008
Myanmar extends Suu Kyi house arrest Tue May 27, 2008 1:49pm BST
pries Myanmar's closed door. By Richard P Cronin May 22, 2008
There was little hope for many in Myanmar, despite warnings Thursday, 22
May, 2008, 01:00
US First Lady
Calls on Burma's Generals to Accept US Aid for Cyclone Victims. By VOA
News 21 May 2008
Burma delta disaster 20 May 2008
First wave of Thai physicians operating in Myanmar 18 May 2008
'guilty of inhuman action' Saturday, 17 May 2008 08:57 UK
Burma government stops relief. Published: Saturday, 17 May 2008, 8:19AM
Burma raises cyclone death toll to 78,000 but true figure much higher.
By Peter Popham Saturday, 17 May 2008
France angered
by Burmese delays Saturday, 17 May 2008
In Burma, good intentions are no match for thuggery. By AUSTIN BAY
Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle May 16, 2008, 11:36PM
crisis: international aid creeps in as a second cyclone looms. 16 May
Action will be taken against aid hoarders: Burma CTV.ca, Canada - May
15, 2008
Heavy rains head
toward Burma. More deaths feared as storm menaces miserable survivors.
May 14, 2008 02:34 PM
Burma aid faces 'siphon' Paul Maley | May 14, 2008
Burma junta 'stealing cyclone aid' The Press Association - May 13, 2008
'Crime against humanity' to stop cyclone aid May 13, 2008 FROM
ASSOCIATED PRESS ‘‘If the military junta seriously blocks the arrival of
aid, this would be similar to a crime against humanity,’’ Lopez Garrido told
reporters before the EU meeting.
allows U.S. aid to arrive. By Seth Mydans Published: May 12, 2008
Could bungled relief effort be the last straw for Burmese people? Don't
count on it, but the world can hope that revolution is close at hand NORMAN
WEBSTER, The Gazette Published: Sunday, May 11
Myanmar Junta seizes aid shipments. Military Junta blocks new aid and
insists on constitutional referendum despite cyclone disaster Sunday May
11th, 2008
blocking most cyclone aid. Published: May 11, 2008
The powerful men blocking vital Burma aid By Nick Webster 10/05/2008
Burma victims in
crisis after aid seized May 10, 2008 04:30 AM Olivia Ward Foreign
Affairs Reporter
Smell of rot,
death permeates flood areas. Little aid has reached villagers who are facing
contaminated drinking water and rotten food. May 10, 2008 04:30 AM New
York Times
Smell of rot,
death permeates flood areas Little aid has reached villagers who are
facing contaminated drinking water and rotten food. May 10, 2008 04:30 AM
Myanmar Junta Seizes Food Shipments as UN Says More Aid Needed. By
Demian McLean May 10 (Bloomberg)
Burma clears US aircraft to deliver relief. Junta says it will handle
distribution By Amy Kazmin and Colum Lynch Washington Post / May 10,
blocks foreign aid workers 05/09/2008
Time is running out in Burma. This challenge requires a major
international political movement equivalent to the enormous charitable
movement that emerged after the tsunami May 9, 2008 12:01 PM
Aid Group Puts Burma Cyclone Death Toll at 50,000 08.05.2008
Aid access
denied in Burma as millions starve By Alison Rehn May 08, 2008 01:48am
40 per cent of Burma dead 'are children'. Posted Thu May 8, 2008 12:21am
UN aid flights
to Burma under way Thursday, 8 May 2008
Burma cyclone death toll may top 100,000: U.S. diplomat. Aung Hla Tun,
Reuters Published: Wednesday, May 07, 2008
First Lady Condemns Junta's Response to Storm Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Military rulers silent on Suu Kyi's detention deadline as donors gather in
Myanmar. The Associated Press Published: May 25, 2008
Suu Kyi's party urges donors to up pressure on Myanmar junta Agence
France-Presse First Posted 16:07:00 05/25/2008
At home
with the General. There have been street protests, a cyclone and
appalling loss of life, yet Burma's junta remains untouched, winning a 92%
'vote of confidence' amid the devastation. Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy
report from the leader's hideaway. Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy The
Guardian, Saturday May 24 2008
Suu Kyi Must be
Freed, Say US Lawyers. By SAW YAN NAING Friday, May 23, 2008
NEWSMAKER-Senior General Than Shwe, the "old man" of Myanmar. Fri May
23, 2008 6:13am Some of his first public words as leader suggested the army
would "not hold onto power for long", igniting hopes of a serious bid to
reinstall civilian rule and repair the damage done by years of Ne Win's
disastrous "Burmese Road to Socialism". As is so often the case in Myanmar,
the optimists were proven wrong.
Burma's Woes: A Threat to the Junta Tuesday, May. 20, 2008 By ANDREW
Burmese opposition leader says world must act. John King, Chronicle
Staff Writer Sunday, May 18, 2008
Two Asian disasters, but the response is a world apart Published Date:
18 May 2008 By Jim Yardley
Repression plumbs
new depths under Burma's Than Shwe. Reclusive
junta leader has secured a place among the worst of the world's worst
rulers with his baffling resolve to turn away aid for cyclone survivors. May
17, 2008 04:30 AM
Regimes fear their demise in devastation's wake. Naomi Klein May 17,
As Burma reels,
junta claims political victory 2008/05/16
Paranoid Burmese junta steps up security around Suu Kyi. By Andrew
Buncombe, Asia Correspondent Friday, 16 May 2008
Generals whose power near absolute. National Post Published: Thursday,
May 15, 2008
Opposition, critics blast poll results Mizzima News Thursday, 15 May
2008 21:08
Myanmar's murderous regime shows the limits of politics. Timothy
Giannuzzi, For The Calgary Herald Published: Thursday, May 15, 2008
Myanmar constitution approved with 93 percent 'yes' vote in referendum:
junta Mike Rosen-Molina at 12:03 PM ET Thursday, May 15, 2008
Myanmar says military-backed constitution approved in referendum. The
Associated Press Published: May 15, 2008
Generals—Blending Nazi-like Thought, Astrology, Brutality and Greed.
Benedict Rogers May 12th 2008
For the generals, referendum trumps relief. Junta shows entrenching its
dominance is more important than saving its citizens. GEOFFREY YORK From
Monday's Globe and Mail, May 12, 2008 at 3:21 AM EDT
Ballot for a tyrant. The Burmese need food, shelter and freedom, but the
generals only care about their own power. Aung Zaw The Guardian, Monday
May 12 2008
Witnesses: Burmese
junta gets votes by intimidation By The Associated Press May 11, 2008
Myanmar holds vote despite cyclone devastation by Moe Moe Yu, Sat May
10, 4:44 PM ET
Myanmar Proceeds With Vote, Outcome Certain. By THE NEW YORK TIMES.
Published: May 10, 2008
All Burmas's nightmares have come true. Last Updated: 1:46AM BST
10/05/2008 The indifference and brutality of Burma's military regime will
doom thousands more unless the world acts, argues exiled activist Pascal
Suu Kyi's party urges Myanmar junta to delay vote. 9 May 2008, 0655 hrs
Referendum vote begins in Burma amid devastation. Last Updated: Friday,
May 9, 2008 | 9:21 PM ET
Canada pays tribute to Burma's detained dissident leader. Tobin
Dalrymple, The Ottawa Citizen Published: Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Bush to
sign off on honor for Myanmar dissident. Associated Press - May 6, 2008
3:13 AM ET
Humanitarian and political catastrophe in Myanmar. 05/06/2008 By Jesús
Torquemada. Cyclone Nargis did not affect soldiers. It devastated Myanmar’s
coast, where people live in huts made of palm tree leaves.
Burma's farcical referendum highlights junta's absurdity. Jonathan
Manthorpe, Vancouver Sun Published: Monday, May 05, 2008
Suu Kyi remains junta's main challenger, even in detention. Agence
France-Presse First Posted 12:21:00 05/04/2008
Bush slams Myanmar vote and orders new sanctions. Thu May 1, 2008 6:18pm
Hollywood stars launch video campaign for Myanmar's Suu Kyi Last
Updated: 11:58 IST(1/5/2008)
Thai PM says Myanmar's Suu Kyi detention is "OK" Reuters Published:
April 30, 2008
Thai PM
Supports Burma's Referendum, Aung San Suu Kyi's Detention. By VOA News
30 April 2008
EU renews sanctions against Myanmar Wednesday, April 30, 2008 (London)
EU urges
international arms embargo on Myanmar. Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:40pm EDT
EU extends Myanmar sanctions for another year. 04.29.08, 4:16 PM ET
Militants in northeast using drug money to buy arms. April 29th, 2008 -
11:46 am ICT
Myanmar nationals protest constitution in Singapore Sun Apr 27, 2008
11:29am BST
Burma junta's new threats over constitution. By Colin Hinshelwood in
Chiang Mai, Thailand Last Updated: 10:55pm BST 26/04/2008
Myanmar's awful choice. A referendum its people cannot win Apr 23rd 2008
From Economist.com
Myanmar's opposition party says political prisoners denied proper medical
care. The Associated Press Published: April 23, 2008
Political detainees should vote in Myanmar poll: Suu Kyi's party
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Myanmar arrests keep pressure on "no" campaign. By Aung Hla Tun
Reuters Published: April 20, 2008
Many voices silenced as Myanmar vote campaign gets under way Agence
France-Presse First Posted 11:51:00 04/20/2008
Source: Blasts reported in Yangon April 20, 2008
Parliament Calls for Pressure on Junta By WAI MOE Thursday, April 17,
Burmese junta holds opposition leader's aide and 20 activists Ian
MacKinnon and agencies The Guardian, Wednesday April 16 2008
Myanmar: 20 Held in Campaign Against Generals’ Constitution By THE
ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: April 16, 2008
Burma: EU needs "coherent strategy" ahead of military's poll External
relations - 16-04-2008 - 12:10
Burma's Referendum: A
Fruitless Attempt of the Military Junta Wed, 2008-04-16 04:33 By Zin
Referendum not a final solution. April 11, 2008
Burma: Citizen journalists' photos tell Burma story. Posted by Carolyn
Lo on April 11, 2008 at 11:29 AM
US Finds Serious
Flaws in Burma's Draft Constitution By David Gollust State Department 10
April 2008
Myanmar publishes text of military-backed proposed constitution
2008-04-09 13:06:44 -
Burma artists hide in shadow their sad work. Jacob Baynham, Chronicle
Foreign Service Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Burmese rights activists remanded without appearing in court. Phanida
Mizzima News April 9, 2008
Where next for Burma?
Carole Reckinger Published 08 April 2008
New Myanmar constitution
keeps military dominant. Tue, 2008-04-08 01:25 Bangkok, 08 April, (Asiantribune.com):
For the
Burmese junta, there is a "risk of attacks", but this is only a pretext.
04/07/2008 13:24
Anti-government protests continue in Burma. By KHIN OHMAR Guest
Contributor Published: April 07, 2008
Typo or trick? Myanmar's missing words reveal all. By Aung Hla Tun
Reuters Saturday, April 5, 2008; 10:43 PM
Burma activist gets life in prison. Posted Fri Apr 4, 2008 10:45pm AEDT
A veteran Burmese activist who held a solo protest against the military
government last year has been jailed for life.
people exhorted to reject new constitution. Shyamal Sarkar, 04 April
2008, Friday
Myanmar Junta Holds Referendum in `Climate of Fear,' U.S. Says By
Michael HeathApril 3 (Bloomberg)
Myanmar opposition says "No" to new constitution By Aung Hla Tun April
2, 2008 - 11:35 AM
Suu Kyi's party calls for 'No' vote on Myanmar constitution. 04-02-2008,
10h23 YANGON (AFP)
Constitution Surfaces, Stirring More Debate By THE IRRAWADDY Monday,
March 31, 2008
Proposed Myanmar charter bars Suu Kyi from office. Mon Mar 31, 2008
UN condemns systematic rights abuse in Myanmar Mar 30, 2008
Myanmar junta chief denies being power hungry, says he'll give control to
election winners. The Associated Press Published: March 27, 2008
Regime in no mood to change March 21, 2008
Junta rescinds censure of veteran journalist Mizzima News March 21, 2008
Chiang Mai
Activists Protest China By SAW YAN NAING Friday, March 21, 2008
U.S. Congress Introduces
Resolution Rejecting Burmese Junta Made Constitution. Tue, 2008-03-18
13:32 Daya Gamage – US Bureau Asian Tribune
Divergences work in favour of Myanmar junta. Tuesday March 18, 2008 By
Burmese Military
Intelligence arrested Kyaw Ko Ko, Leader of the All Burma Federation of
Student Unions Tue, 2008-03-18 15:26
revolt making Burmese generals nervous 03/17/2008 13:48
Myanmar nationals
stage anti-junta rally in Tokyo. Demand release of Suu Kyi, other political
detainees. Afp, Tokyo Published On: 2008-03-14 International
Thailand opposes sanctions on Myanmar: FM Mar 13, 2008
ASEAN ignores Burma's jailed teachers. By AWZAR THI Column: Rule of
Lords Published: March 13, 2008
Burma's sham constitution. The junta's announcement that it will put its
tailor-made constitution to the vote should not deceive anyone March 12,
telephone connections in Burma sporadic during UN special envoy's visit.
12 March 2008 Source: Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA)
Burma Army Attacks Karen Villages, Thousands Displaced--Report Tuesday,
11 March 2008
U.N.'s impotency exposed Mizzima News March 11, 2008
Myanmar, dissidents beat junta gags with gags. Mon Mar 10, 2008
La dissidente
birmana Aung San Suu Kyi incontra l'inviato speciale Onu Gambari,
Rangoon | 10 marzo 2008
U.N. special envoy meets with Suu Kyi March 10, 2008
Myanmar refuses to
amend charter barring Suu Kyi from polls 03-07-2008, 16h02 YANGON (AFP)
Burmese monk's mission to tell world how it is Connie Levett March 10,
Refugees from Terror Saturday, March 8, 2008 11:10 PM EST
Buddhist Monk
Calls for Arms Embargo Against Burma By Nancy-Amelia Collins Jakarta 06
March 2008
through the junta's gag in Myanmar. Myanmar's famous comedy troupe,
unable to publicly stage its satirical routines, still pokes fun at the
ruling generals nightly at home. "Joking shares the suffering," says one
member. By Paul Watson, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer. March 4, 2008
Arakan Residents
Petition ILO on Forced Labor Issues By SAW YAN NAING Thursday, March 6,
Murder bullets manufactured by Defense Industry Mizzima News March 6,
Burma's democracy process mired in deceit Thaung Htun in Washington DC
05 March 2008
Family shot to death near Aung San Suu Kyi's home in Yangon Published:
March 4, 2008
Burma reigns king of methamphetamines March 3, 2008 Chiang Mai – Despite
a slight upswing in opium cultivation, the United States says Burma's
position as the global leader in methamphetamine production now poses the
greater threat to the region.
Burma: Monk Organization
Sasana Moli Boycotts Proposed Elections 2008-03-03
Tom Lantos: A
Champion of Human Rights By THE IRRAWADDY and AP Saturday, March 1, 2008
Global day of prayer for
Burma Sat, 2008-03-01 03:51
The Cyber
Dissident By AUNG ZAW Saturday, March 1, 2008 Burma’s generals may have
underestimated the power of the Internet during the 2007 uprising, but they
are now playing catch-up
Burma: The
Censored Land By YENI Saturday, March 1, 2008
in Burmese politics. In the history of modern Burma, dozens of ethnic and
Burmese leaders have met their end at the hands of assassins, the latest
being the Karen leader Mahn Sha, By Kyaw Zwa Moe March 01, 2008
Prison Labour Camp)
Referendum—‘History is Repeating Itself’ By WAI MOE Friday, February 29,
Myanmar, a resistance hero on the run By Marwaan Macan-Markar
Opposition members waylaid, beaten up. Mizzima News February 29, 2008
A Big-time Burmese Drug Trafficker’s Singaporean Connection Brian
McCartan 29 February 2008
Monks and Nuns
in Court over September Protests By MIN LWIN Friday, February 29, 2008
Junta continues to quash Burma's media. By ZIN LINN Column: Burma
Question February 29, 2008
US, Britain urge
Myanmar to include Aung San Suu Kyi in polls February 29, 2008 8h45 GMT
Indonesia wants Daw Suu in
Burmese democracy process Feb 29, 2008 (AFP)
NLD Dismisses
Referendum By SAW YAN NAING Thursday, February 28, 2008
Burma's faux democracy. Thursday, February 28, 2008
Treasury Sanctions On Myanmar Traffickers Implicate CNOOC Vivian Wai-yin
Kwok, 02.27.08, 11:26 AM ET
by Burma’s Neighbors. Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Burma – New report
details deprivation and abuse facing Burmese refugees in Malaysia Tue,
2008-02-26 05:08 London, 26 February,
US sanctions Burmese opium warlord. February 25, 2008
Burmese junta and the world's conscience, The Boston Globe Published:
February 24, 2008
Burma's Charade, The junta's plans for a faux democracy. February 24,
Will Mahn
Sha’s Killers Ever Be Brought to Justice? By AUNG ZAW / MAE SOT
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Targeting Burma’s Press, Friday, February 22, 2008 By YENI
Myanmar flirting with democracy. Gulf News, Published: February 22,
2008, 01:23 "... it is one of the great ironies of our time that generals
with tank columns and massed ranks of soldiers at their disposal are so
frightened by ... ... to the aspirations of her people."
Jakarta attacks Burma’s draft constitution. By John Aglionby in Jakarta
and Amy Kazmin in Bangkok, Published: February 21 2008 23:12 | Last updated:
February 21 2008 23:12
Birmânia Enviado especial da ONU vai abordar inegibilidade de Suu Kyi
Data: 21-02-2008
Opposition in Burma calls for free referendum. Mizzima News February 21,
Burma's junta
promises democracy, but most are wary. The government's surprise
announcement to hold a constitutional referendum is being met with deep
skepticism. By Danna Harman February 21, 2008 edition
Asean demands 'credible' Burmese elections, Feb 20, 2008
Expresses Concern Over Burma's Election Ban Against Aung San Suu Kyi, By
Naomi Martig Hong Kong 20 February 2008
La Junta Militar birmana impide a la líder de la oposición presentarse a las
elecciones 20 de febrero de 2008
Burma bars Suu Kyi from elections, February 20, 2008 - 5:59AM The junta
says the referendum - if approved - will clear the way for democratic
elections in 2010, the first since Aung San
Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party scored a landslide
victory in 1990 polls.
Ban on Suu Kyi shatters hopes for Myanmar polls: analysts February 20,
Suu Kyi Barred From Elections Under New Charter, By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE,
February 20, 2008
Suu Kyi out of contention for Burma election Feb 20, 2008
Burma will Suu Kyi von Wahlen ausschliessen, Singapur. dpa/baz. Die
Militärjunta in Burma will Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Aung San Suu Kyi von
den geplanten Wahlen 2010 ausschliessen. 20.02.08
Aung San Suu Kyi resterait inéligible en 2010 au Myanmar, 20/02/2008
Impiden a la líder opositora birmana presentarse a las elecciones de 2010,
Aung San Suu Kyi,
Prime Minister-elect
Власти Мьянмы
подготовили конституционную реформу, 20 февраля 2008г.
Burma attacked
over constitution. Burma's neighbours have expressed doubts over the
country's new draft constitution, implicitly criticising the Burmese
government. 20 February 2008
Projeto de Constituição impede Aung San Suu Kyi de se candidatar em eleições
19/02 - 14:04 - AFP
ASEAN criticizes Myanmar draft. February 19, 2008
Intel Officer
Granted Asylum in Norway, Tuesday, 19 February 2008, 5:24 pm Press
Release: Terry Evans
Myanmar must respect Suu Kyi's election win: party Tuesday, 19 February
Burmese delegation attends military expo, Mungpi Mizzima News February
18, 2008
Orphans survive
wars, find safety in Bay Area, By Rebecca Rosen Lum, Bay Area News
Group, 02/18/2008
Japan to accept Burma refugees: report February 18, 2008 - 3:56PM
Two Men Arrested
at Rangoon Weekly By MIN LWIN Monday, February 18, 2008
Myanmar pro-democracy party warns that referendum plan could be
destabilizing, AP 2008-02-18 14:26:00
EU to
press Burma on human rights despite poll plan, 16/02/2008, 13:26:59
Myanmar rebel leader assassinated in Thailand, Reuters, February 15,
Burma referendum indicates entrenchment of current regime's power, not
democracy, Friday, February 15, 2008
Junta Militar extiende arresto domiciliario contra mano derecha de Suu Kyi
censors monitor Internet, newspapers - and poets, The regime has watched the
media more closely since last September's uprising by monks. By Danna
Harman | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor from the February
11, 2008 edition
Myanmar Activists Denounce Planned Polls Monday, February 11, 2008
leaders' plans for a new constitution, followed by democratic elections, is
met with skepticism and international criticism.
By Simon Montlake posted February 11, 2008 at 9:53 am EST
Heroes Never
Die.... They Just Download Monday, February 11, 2008
Many Monks Must Die Before The UN Moves?' By Marwaan Macan-Markar, MAE
SOT, Thailand, Feb 5 (IPS) - For one Buddhist monk from Burma, the brutal
crackdown of peaceful street protests in the country last September was
anything but a victory for the military regime.
Yangon (Rangoon)
Burma, youths interrogated for four days for allegedly distributing human
rights pamphlets; missing blogger spotted 5 February 2008 Source:
Mizzima News
Dangers for journalists in Burma on the rise Mizzima News (www.mizzima.com)
February 5, 2008
Burmese military keeps pressure on dissent, By KHIN OMAR, Published:
February 04, 2008
women in Thai 'human zoo' By Andrew Harding BBC News, Mae Hong Son
threatens jail for Burma protest leaders, Ian MacKinnon, south-east Asia
correspondent, Wednesday January 30, 2008
Aung San Suu Kyi "pas satisfaite" de ses entretiens avec la junte birmane
29 janv. 08
activists charged over demo 29 January 2008
Burmese protest leaders face seven years behind bars, Ian MacKinnon,
south-east Asia correspondent Tuesday January 29, 2008
Burma arrests 96 dissidents since Nov: Amnesty Posted Sat Jan 26, 2008
7:38pm AEDT
dissident arrests 'ongoing' Friday, 25 January 2008, 16:16 GMT
Канадские санкции оказывают влияние на Бирму, где продолжается насилие
Дата: 22-01-2008
Myanmar Moved Away From Democracy After Protests, Burns Says By Paul
Tighe January 8, 2008 19:39 EST
Hidden life of
Burma's opposition By Andrew Harding BBC News, Bangkok
Rangoon flooded with police as Burma celebrates independence By Peter
Popham Published: 05 January 2008
India's Halt to Burma Arms Sales May Pressure Junta By Glenn Kessler,
Washington Post Staff Writer, Sunday, December 30, 2007
Pain and inspiration, December 28, 2007
generals aim to stay in power - Sunday Tribune Simon Roughneen 22 Dec
'No progress'
in Burma says NLD, By Chris Xia BBC News
Exiles try to keep pressure on Burmese rulers. Urge monks to regroup in
protest December 9, 2007
Protesters' bodies may have been burned: UN, Burma Crackdown. 'Very
disturbing' crematorium accounts: envoy, Laura Macinnis, Reuters.
Published: Saturday, December 08, 2007
HRW report
details Burma violence By Jonathan Head BBC News, Bangkok 7 December
Myanmar frees more than 8,500 prisoners. McClatchy-Tribune Published:
Wednesday, December 05
Myanmar rejects calls to include Suu Kyi in reforms AFP - Dec 3, 2007
Vengeful junta shuts down monastery in Rangoon December 1, 2007
Amnesty slams Myanmar for rebels' arrests 28 Nov 2007, 1544 hrs IST,PTI
Burma’s Bangkok
Embassy Seeks Names of Student Protesters. By Shah Paung November 22,
Nouvelles sanctions du Canada contre le Myanmar. Le jeudi 15 novembre
Burmese protesters now in exile By Andrew Harding BBC Asia
correspondent, Thailand 12 November 2007
Reports "Worrisome" Rise in Myanmar Opium Production - Rest of South East
Asia almost opium-free 10 November 2007
Burmas Mönche protestieren wieder 02.11.2007
Birmanie : la junte militaire au pouvoir libère 7 membres de l'opposition
LND Posté par L. MANGA le 31/10/2007
Burmese monks revive street protests. By Amy Kazmin in Mae Sot, Thailand
Published: October 31 2007 09:32
take to streets as Burma anger flares again. AUNG HLA TUN IN RANGOON,
Thu 1 Nov 2007
Monks return
to streets of Burma 31 October 2007
Kouchner throws support behind Burma 'trust fund' By South East Asia
correspondent Karen Percy 07.10.31
army continues 'serious abuses' in villages October 26, 2007 09:14am
Aung San
Suu Kyi holds surprise talks with Burma junta Matthew Weaver and
agencies Thursday October 25, 2007
Anger against Burma military 'growing' October 22, 2007 - 8:05PM
Jewellers are urged to stop selling rubies mined in Burma By Jonathan
Brown Published: 22 October 2007
military government has lifted dusk-to-dawn curfews in the country's main
cities of Rangoon and Mandalay. Last Updated 22/10/2007, 11:48:37
US dismisses 'cosmetic' Burma moves Last Modified: 21 Oct 2007
holding 2,500 in prison and arrests continue, UK says Julian Borger,
diplomatic editor Saturday October 20, 2007
Burma's dissidents fear regime's assassins By Thomas Bell in Mae Sot
Last Updated: 6:57am BST 18/10/2007 Burmese pro-democracy activists who have
fled across the Thai border fear death at the hands of assassins sent to
track them down.
Burma crackdown 'intensifies' 18.10.2007. 09:06:24
Oh, and Burma is still a force in the global opium market Thursday,
October 18, 2007
Burma: First Test for the
Human Rights Council 2007-10-17
junta: 3,000 detained in protest 07.10.16
Unifies People's Voices in North-East India By Bobby Ramakant Senior
Development Journalist
agrees extra Burma sanctions By Constant Brand, Associated Press Writer
Published: 16 October 2007
EU beefs
up sanctions against Myanmar by our EU correspondent Vanessa Mock
Red Cross
'Deeply Worried' About Fate of Those Arrested in Burma By VOA News 16
October 2007
Burma and Iran on EU agenda 16 Oct. 2007
Burma seizes top democracy activist By Amy Kazmin in Bangkok Published:
October 14 2007 16:18 | Last updated: October 14 2007 16:18
Fear reigns in Burma’s city under siege October 14, 2007
for human rights activists arrested in Burma Last Updated 14/10/2007,
09:29:41 Reports from the country say the four including prominent dissident
Htay Kywe were detained overnight.
Amnesty International says it is seriously concerned for their safety.
Amnesty calls for more action over latest Burma arrests 2007. Oct 14
Amnesty International has called for more international pressure on Burma
after the arrest of more activists there this weekend.
Key activists
arrested in Burma Htay Kywe has been in hiding since the crackdown Burma's
military rulers have arrested three of the last remaining leaders of the
recent pro-democracy protests which were violently suppressed. 13
October 2007
the riots, Burma returns to an unspoken terror Kevin Doyle in Rangoon
Saturday October 13, 2007
Birmanie :
les sanctions, une arme à double tranchant. Les ONG sont divisées et
craignent de pénaliser surtout la population civile. samedi 13 octobre 2007
Where Are Burma's Monks? Friday, Oct. 12, 2007
Crackdown in the heart of Burma Friday, October 12, 2007
Burma centre of opium production in Asia Ian Munro, New York October 12,
Burma activist
'dies in custody' 11 October 2007 The National League for Democracy (NLD)
member died during questioning, the Thailand-based Assistance Association
for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said. BBC
Burma burning
October 11, 2007
Jimmy Carter
Calls for More International Pressure on Burma 10 October 2007
activist was 'tortured to death' 10-Oct-07 00:30 BST
Secret cremations hide Burma killings Our staff correspondent, Rangoon
From The Sunday Times October 7, 2007 THE Burmese army has burnt an
undetermined number of bodies at a crematorium sealed off by armed guards
northeast of Rangoon over the past seven days, ensuring that the exact death
toll in the recent pro-democracy protests will never be known.
Concerns raised over welfare of pro-democracy detainees in Burma October
07, 2007
Rassemblement de soutien au peuple birman sur l'Ile Rousseau 06 Octobre
"Si je ne lutte pas, qui va le faire ?" Samedi 06 Octobre 2007 Par
Catherine WIENER, envoyée spéciale à Rangoun (Birmanie) LeJDD.fr
Le sort des milliers de moines bouddhistes arrêtés reste inconnu Le
jeudi 04 octobre 2007 Agnès Gruda La Presse Avec l'Associated Press
Qu'arrive-t-il aux moines bouddhistes massivement arrêtés par la junte
militaire birmane depuis la répression de leur mouvement de contestation, la
semaine dernière?
Bad News Blackout. October 4, 2007, 1:59 PM Posted by Matthew Felling.
The revolution will not be televised.
Burma: General Command. Who exactly are the brutal generals behind one
of the world's most isolated regimes? Thursday, Oct. 04, 2007 — with
reporting by Robert Horn/Bangkok
Dictatorship Increases Crackdown in Burma. By Chad Bouchard, Bangkok 04
October 2007
rubies; bloody colour, bloody business, Thu Oct 4, 2007 10:40am BST
dragging residents from beds in terror patrols at night ETHAN MCNERN Thu
4 Oct 2007
Burma junta carries out more arrests Thu Oct 4, 2007 2:45am BST
Reporter's body returned to Japan 4 October 2007
US Lawmakers
Reiterate Support for Burma Democracy Movement By Dan Robinson
Washington 04 October 2007
Marking Time in Thailand, Millions of Burmese Who Fled Violence at Home
Languish in Limbo Near the Border, By Edward Cody, Washington Post
Foreign Service, Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Au moins
cinq journalistes arrêtés à Rangoon, dont le correspondant d’un quotidien
japonais Écrit par Rédaction 03-10-2007
Soldiers hunting down dissidents in Burma, Updated Wed. Oct. 3 2007
11:02 AM ET, CTV.ca News Staff
Lawyers can no longer be quiet about Burma, The international legal
community, which provided inspiration for Burma’s founders, must voice its
strong support to underpin the movement for democracy October 3, 2007
Japan to press charges over journalist's death Posted Wed Oct 3, 2007
8:00pm AEST
EU set to extend Burma sanctions Last Updated: 03/10/2007 15:52
Junta pursues Burma dissidents by night By Amy Kazmin in Bangkok and
Tony Barber in Brussels Published: October 3 2007 18:01
Army major defects from Burma 07.10.03
China not likely to rebuke Burma 07.10.03 By Calum MacLeod, USA TODAY
Rambo crew witness Burma atrocities By staff writers October 02, 2007
Burma protest movement has not been smothered. By Amando Doronila,
Inquirer, Last updated 04:24am (Mla time) 10/01/2007
shield forms to protect Burma monks. AUNG HLA TUN, IN RANGOON Sun 30 Sep
Burma's fight for freedom: Troops reclaim the streets as monks pray for a
miracle. Burma's Buddhist monks have all but vanished. Those that have
not been rounded up can only look on helplessly as the junta's generals take
control. Rosalind Russell and Peter Popham report Published: 30 September
Hundreds of Burmese protesters feared dead, By David Eimer in Bangkok
and Tim Shipman in Washington, Last Updated: 4:28am BST 30/09/2007 Horrific
claims of torture, mass arrests and government soldiers acting under the
influence of drugs have emerged from Burma, also known as Myanmar.
Junta crushes Buddha's army, September 30, 2007
The new totalitarians, By Joshua Kurlantzick | September 30, 2007
Burma hurtling into the unknown, By Andrew Harding, BBC News, Bangkok
Smiles and
tourists vanish from Myanmar, Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:02am EDT
Myanmar: 'They beat people so badly' September 29 2007 at 04:56PM "They
beat people so badly. I wonder how these people can bear it. I saw the
security forces arrest about five people on the streets," said one Yangon
resident who witnessed the scene.
Myanmar Protests Falter After Crackdown, The Associated Press ,
Saturday, September 29, 2007; 9:11 AM
Militärjunta schottet Myanmar ab, HANDELSBLATT, Freitag, 28. September
2007, 18:19 Uhr, Myanmars Machthaber schotten das Land von der Außenwelt ab.
Wichtige buddhistische Klöster wurden am Freitag zu Sperrzonen erklärt, der
öffentliche Zugang zum Internet wurde unterbrochen. Soldaten durchsuchten
zudem Hotelzimmer gezielt nach Ausländern. Touristen bangen nun, in die
Auseinandersetzungen hineingezogen zu werden.
Myanmar forces swoop on protests in two cities, Internet cut, September
28, 2007 YANGON (AFP) — Security forces moved to crush protests in Myanmar's
two biggest cities Friday, unleashing warning shots and baton charges, and
cutting Internet access in the third day of a deadly crackdown.
Myanmar Forces Chase Down Protesters,
By SETH MYDANS Published: September 28, 2007
la represión ante nuevas protestas, La junta militar volvió a disperar las
manifestaciones con el uso de las armas de fuego, 28 de setiembre
de 2007 RANGUN.- La junta militar de Myanmar (ex Birmania) volvió a cargar
hoy contra miles de personas que salieron a las calles de Rangún por
undécimo día consecutivo para manifestarse contra el régimen, informó la
emisora La Voz Democrática de Birmania, con sede en Oslo, citando a testigos.
Myanmar on edge as troops occupy monasteries 28 Sep 2007, 1349 hrs
Expert says China holds key to Myanmar crisis, September 28, 2007 - 9:51
Myanmar: Hilfe
von China gefordert, Eine UN-Resolution gegen die Junta ist an China
gescheitert. Trotzdem setzt die internationale Gemeinschaft auf dessen
Einfluss. Artikel vom 28.09.2007, 15:42 Eine UN-Resolution gegen die
Junta ist an China gescheitert. Trotzdem setzt die internationale
Gemeinschaft auf dessen Einfluss.
Crisis in Myanmar, China needs to use its leverage, September 28, 2007
With Monks Contained, Myanmar Authorities Attack Civilians, September
28, 2007
Интернет в
Мьянме не работает из-за повреждения кабеля 28/ 09/ 2007 Власти страны
силой подавили демонстрации, при этом несколько человек, в том числе
японский журналист, погибли, около 100 ранены.

The last moments of photographer gunned down by Burmese troops as nine die,
Last updated at 23:39pm on 27th September 2007 [Kenji
E.U. sancionó a junta militar de Myanmar, por represión que deja un decena
de muertos, Septiembre 27 de 2007 Fueron impuestas por el Departamento
del Tesoro y consisten, básicamente, en la prohibición de efectuar
transacciones financieras con E.U. y la congelación de activos bajo
jurisdicción estadounidense.
China urges restraint in Myanmar Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:22:47
Japan To
Protest Killing Of Japanese Journalist In Myanmar, September 27, 2007
10:16 p.m. EST
U.S. imposes Myanmar sanctions Published: 27, 2007 at 5:33 PM
Nine killed as Myanmar soldiers fire at protesters 27 Sep 2007 YANGON:
At least nine people, including a Japanese national, were killed and 11
injured on Thursday as soldiers in Myanmar opened fire on thousands of
anti-government protesters who defied a government crackdown, the government
Krise in Myanmar eskaliert, Polizei schießt auf Demonstranten zuletzt
26.09.2007 - 12:06 Rangun (RPO). In Myanmar fließt Blut. Die Polizei hat
einem französischen Diplomaten zufolge auf die Demonstranten geschossen.
"Man kann sicher sein, dass Blut geflossen ist", sagte der hochrangige
Beamte einem französischen Radiosender. Auch ein Mönch soll getötet worden
Generais fecham Mianmar e se isolam da comunidade internacional,
26/09/2007 - 09h57, Há 45 anos, os militares governam o país sob censura e
extremo isolamento.
Protestos pela democracia ganham cada vez mais apoio internacional.
Burmese Junta Warns Monks of Crackdown as Protests Widen, By SETH MYDANS,
Published: September 25, 2007 If not, said the minister, Brig. Gen. Thura
Myint Maung, unspecified action would be taken against the monks “according
to the law.”
Dalai Lama Supports
Democracy Movement In Burma Monday 24th of September 2007
Nuns join monks in Burma's Saffron Revolution September 24, 2007
Monks lead
largest Burma protest 24 September 2007