FARC's hostage politics


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Le fils d'Ingrid Betancourt: «Maman est en train de mourir» 07/03/2008

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Ingridbproofoflife.JPG Íngrid Betancourt




In April 2001, Han Seung-Soo was appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. He was elected the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2001. Ban Ki-Moon was selected to be the chief of staff to general assembly president Han Seung-Soo. President Kim Dae-Jung defends himself by saying that those directors of the KCIA are good persons, that they catch communists; meanwhile he has given expensive gifts and cash at the time of the summit with Kim Jong-Il —who embraces communist ideas. He has branded a citizen as an anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist and he tried to secretly kidnap and murder a citizen whom he had the duty to protect. This practice of evil politics of terror has become natural —a rightful and profitable action— for Minister Han Seung-Soo, Ban Ki-Moon and Ambassador Yang Sung-Chul. Ban Ki-moon in call for respect for human rights.  2007-12-11 10:03:58 By Rose Mwalongo. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on nations to ensure that the International Conventional on Human Rights is part and parcel of everyone`s daily lives. Ban Ki-moon in call for respect for human rights.  2007-12-11 10:03:58 By Rose Mwalongo. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on nations to ensure that the International Conventional on Human Rights is part and parcel of everyone`s daily lives.

President Kim Dae-Jung and UN Secretary General Ban who was Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs held my family as hostages and used them as a bargaining tool to threaten me. I was away from home.

Ban Ki-moon in call for respect for human rights. 2007-12-11

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This site was last updated 03/16/09 - Seoul, Korea