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09/22/09 |
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The Sunshine Policy towards A Powerless Citizen. — “Abduction and Murder — A Burnt Offering as Sunshine Policy at the UN”[ Deutsch ] [ Español] [ Français ] [ Italiano ] [ Nederlands ] [ Polski ] [Portuguese] [ Svenska ] Meanwhile, President Kim Dae-Jung presented the Sunshine Policy to the world, the insidious criminal and terror acts formulated and implemented under Kim Dae-Jung's regime Instead of improving the human rights situation in North and South Korea —including Korean refugees and Korean prisoners of war—, the Sunshine Policy has been used for political benefit in domestic politics in the South and for the benefit of the Nobel Peace Prize winner. By using the Sunshine Policy as a shield, he can present himself as a Nobel laureate in the midst of criminal and terror acts, including horrible bio-terrorism.
The First Period of the Burnt Offering as
Sunshine Policy — Crimes and Terror Activities in the European Union
(2000, Antwerp, Brabant, Brussels)
The Second Period of the Burnt Offering as Sunshine Policy at the UN — Crimes and Terror Activities in the United States (2001, Atlanta, USA) The Third Period of the Burnt Offering as Sunshine Policy — Crimes and Terror Activities in Korea, Crematorium Day (2002-present) Why did Ban Ki-Moon’s diplomats deliberately deliver information concerning President Kim Dae-Jung’s illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars to Kim Jung-Il, while they were strongly promoting the Sunshine Policy towards Kim Jong-Il and considering their “burnt offering” for President Kim Dae-Jung? Ban’s diplomats and thugs in Brussels already knew about Kim's illegal transfer of dollars to Kim Jong-Il. Several years later, some of President Kim's men were imprisoned and an influential business man died during the probe. President Kim, who received Nobel Peace Prize, does not acknowledge his terror acts organized and committed in Brussels and Atlanta, just like he did with his secret, illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars to Kim Jong-Il. But President Kim and high-ranking diplomats acknowledge what they did by committing criminal acts, including bio-terrorism and pharmacological and medical torture, and by delivering menacing messages with violence: Did we see it? Intelligence agencies of other countries are worse. Do you want to die? Why didn’t you end up dead? Why are you coming back (alive)? You are dead! Such corrupt practices of covering up crimes and terror acts —money, women and narcotics were their way of working— should not be coming from a person who has received a Nobel Peace Prize. But they did. For several years, he has been denying his illegal transfer of a large sum of dollars to Kim Jong-Il. Diplomats and thugs under the control of Ban Ki-Moon who is currently the position of UN Secretary General knew about President Kim's illegal transfer of a large sum of dollars to Kim Jong-Il. Ban Ki-Moon tried to harm me by using the fact that they realized a secret, illegal transfer of a large sum of dollars to Kim Jong-Il, which Ban and his boss President Kim pretended not to know about for many years. During the investigation of his illegal financial transfer, one of the key influential businessmen died after he testified in court about the secret money transfer. [During the illegal wiretapping investigation committed under President Kim Dae-Jung, there was one intelligence high ranking official —he worked for President Kim— who died.]
Aug 4, 2003 - Hyundai chief linked to N Korea bribes leaps to his death. A
senior executive of South Korea's Hyundai conglomerate has leapt to his
death amid a probe into his role in the secret transfer of millions of
dollars by the government to North Korea.
The probe focused on the transfer of $500 million to Pyongyang by Hyundai just prior to the 2000 summit. ... The 2000 inter-Korean summit helped Kim Dae-Jung win the Nobel Peace Prize later that year. The apparent suicide came days after Mr Chung testified in court about the secret money transfer. ... Hyundai Merchant Marine* Before the probe focused on President Kim’s secret, illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars, Ban Ki-Moon’s diplomats intentionally delivered this secret information to me at the Nemrod Café. They often talked about the “Sunshine Policy” while they tried to harm and murder me. ![]() ![]() (L: NATO and US military base, R: MOFAT (Ban Ki-Moon) and their foreign agents)
PARK In-kook
Oh Young-Whan
Lee Sung-Joo
Kim Il-Doo
Kim Young-Jun
In Café “Le Nemrod” in Place Louise, just after President Kim was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Jeon told me about President Kim’s illegal transfer of billions of dollars to North Korea. The inflated amount that was mentioned by Jeon was a stratagem of President Kim Dae-Jung. What Paid Well mentioned that day was that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was involved in this criminal activity. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon was then a vice-minister, fully responsible for implementing President Kim Dae-Jung’s diplomatic philosophy and instructions. ![]() ![]() Left: President Kim Dae-Jung and Kim Jong-Il at the time of the secret, illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars to Kim Jong-Il (Sunshine Policy, 2000, Pyongyang), Right: Ban Ki-Moon’s thugs tried to cover-up Ban Ki-Moon’s and President Kim’s crimes and terror activities (2006, Seoul). Certain agents attempted to instill Nazi ideas and philosophies in their target. I still do not know why certain agents tried to inculcate me with ideas and philosophies that facilitated World War II and its philosophical basis. Why did those agents try to make me become a Nazi sympathizer? UN Secretary General Ban and President Kim have to answer this immediately! 1) UN Secretary General Ban who was Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and President Kim Dae-Jung held my family as hostages and used them as a bargaining tool to threaten me. I was away from home. Agent Jeon said that President Kim Dae-Jung sent money in the amount of billions to North Korea, and participated in the conspiracy to harm me. I made Jeon’s conspiracy fail to work. Afterwards, they proposed that I receive an economic compensation, which I wouldn’t accept. I refused it on the spot. In response, I received threats against the safety of my family, which was held hostage by Ban Ki-Moon’s agents. By threatening the life and safety of their hostages —my family—, they tried to weaken me and break my resistance. Ban Ki-Moon's diplomats attempted to buy me with money and with a lady used as a human gift. The agent who was used in this criminal mission was Jeon — later both of them would participate in a murder attempt inside a church after using psychotropic substances. It took place after my hunger strike in the church. [A few days after I started the hunger strike against those who tried to kill me, Jeon proposed giving me monetary compensation with the help of a secret agent Sun —regional director/president and CEO, KIA Motors, London (UK), Jan 2007, (Hyundai Motors America (USA)/ Hyundai, Brussels, 7years)—. In these crimes —between 2000-2001—, several henchmen from Hyundai were very active in cooperating with Ambassador Choi's diplomats.] Jeon was an instrument of Ambassador Choi — an underling of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon who was a vice-minister. [Today, intelligence agents talk of “Kim Jung-Il’s blackmail” in Seoul.] Sun as a secret agent was collaborated with Jeon, Nho (Roh) Gil-Sang (diplomat and secret KCIA agent) and Jung Kang-Hyun (diplomat and KCIA agent) —They are Ban Ki-Moon’s terror agents worked for “Burnt Offering”—. At the year 2001, agent Sun proposed sly financial proposal just before their attempts to murder me at my last stay in Brussels. Several agents worked for Sun. One of his subordinate waited me at Tervuren (2001). It is important to note that the agent Popeye and secret agent Daewoo —he was with a criminal who was linked to “NATO and narcotics” crime campaign —moved to London after the criminal and terror acts committed at Brussels and Antwerp. The criminal was worked with diplomats and Bae Yang-Hong who was promoted to Brigadier General under President Roh Moo-Hyun. Also there were several agents from IMEC —they collaborated with agents under Ambassador Choi Dae-Hwa. Certainly they were Koreans. Choi from IMEC worked with a Chinese agent who was fluent in Korean. Hyundai was not only involved in the illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars to Kim Jong-Il but also the criminal and terrorist acts organized in Brussels and Brabant. Hyundai was collaborated with Ban's diplomats and thugs for political terror and crimes . This collaboration —multiple attempts to kidnap and murder a citizen branded as an anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist— between Kim Dae-Jung's Blue House, Ban Ki-Moon's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the National Intelligence Service (Korean Central Intelligence Agency, KCIA), and Hyundai was the maneuver to implement Kim's Sunshine Policy.
It is important to note that agent Jin —who collaborated with Bae
Yang-Hong— was also from Hyundai (Brussels/Paris). Under President Roh
Moo-Hyun, Bae Yang-Hong was promoted to General on January 1, 2004.
Such a move —informing about the secret, illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars to Kim Jong-Il— was certainly not designed to help me, because a terror target was in a dangerous situation created by persons who included UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon who was a vice-minister. And it happened just after the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President Kim. Why has Ban Ki-Moon —current UN Secretary General— decided to share with me such dangerous information concerning the secret transfer of a large amount of dollars to Kim Jong-Il? His reasons should be made known — preferably through Ban Ki-Moon’s own explanation. For several years after Ban Ki-Moon intentionally leaked the above information, President Kim kept insisting that there had been no secret, illegal transfer of dollars to Kim Jong-Il. After the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President Kim, Ban’s diplomats and criminals in Brussels already knew about the huge, illegal transfer of dollars to Kim Jong-Il and delivered this secret information to me at the Café Nemrod. The reason why UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon decided to inform me of such secret and dangerous information concerning the illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars to Kim Jong-Il should best be explained by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in the UN.
“Corruption hurts the poor disproportionately by diverting funds intended
for development, undermining a government's ability to provide basic
services, feeding inequality and injustice, and discouraging foreign
investment and aid”. Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General in his
statement on the adoption by the General Assembly of the United Nations
Convention against Corruption.
I do believe that UN Secretary General Ban knows what corruption is, and what its worldwide detrimental effects are. Oct. 05, 2007 1) Agent Sturgeon —who made the comments about emigrating to the United States and his naturalization as an American citizen— often spoke of “seas of blood” and “massacres.” Agent Sturgeon —who is a son of President Kim’s political colleague— often said “into the fog.” Indeed, he dragged me into the fog of manipulation and terrorism. He tried to drag me into gambling and becoming trapped in gambling. And he tried to interest me in the Nazi philosophy that was the basis for World War II crimes. All his plans were in vain. These tactics to influence me with this philosophy that facilitated the crimes of World War II —crimes against humanity— had already been applied to me by a very close agent who worked with the surgeon who tried to use prostitutes in an attempt to harm me at Luxemburg. Also, one of diamond smugglers —under the control of vice-minister-level Ambassador Choi Dae-Hwa— attempted this kind of approach on me. But, early on, he unexpectedly and wisely abandoned this maneuvering. Why did those agents —agent Sturgeon and others— try to make me become a Nazi sympathizer? 2) Yesterday, through TV news, I learned what I heard from the person who would supply weaponry to the Korean peninsula became public information. It was about the development of missile with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers under president Kim Dae-Jung. (2007.11.10 AM 9:34, This is the first public release of this information.)
Counselor Jung, Kang-Hyun,
[National Intelligence Service (NIS, KCIA), Diplomatic Immunity and
Privileges] and his president Kim Dae-Jung. I had to considered it as a national secret at the year that President Kim tried to murder me for his political benefit. So It was not described it until today. Indeed, at that time, I had to confront with two networks —president Kim Dae-Jung's terrorist network and undetermined network that would supply weaponry to the Korean peninsula. I do not know about his source of information. [How the regime under president Kim Dae-Jung made available that the information concerning the missile development to the weapon supply network was not known.]
Published: October 22, 2007
Quoting an unnamed military source, Yonhap news agency said the South Korean army's guided missile command "possess a cruise missile with a range of 1,000 kilometers (620 miles)" though it's not known whether the rocket has already been deployed. S. Korea Develops 1,000-KM Cruise Missile 2007-10-23 The Navy's KDX-III Aegis-equipped destroyers will carry the missiles, the official said, adding the ADD was also developing cruise missiles with a range of 1,500 kilometers. KBS evening news 2007.11.09 (21:57) 2007.11.09 (22:11)
I have a memory of giving Counselor Jung a book on Mafia. I gave it so that
he would protect people from this kind of people. Jung refused to
help me to solve this problem. The errand men under Vice Minister rank
Ambassador Choi Dae-Hwa’s command such as Nho (Roh) Gil-Sang and Jeon,
etc. continued to attempt to kidnap and murder me for president Kim and his
political ideologies.
Counselor Jung was one of diplomats and agents who proposed various compensation
—President Kim’s bribery to cover up his own terrorist activities- including
financial compensation.
Just like Lee Seung-Sun and Park Young-Sam, he behaved as a criminal and terrorist he have to stop.
2007.11.10 3) A consul lured me to the embassy to invent a criminal case to destroy me. I
had to help a person —named Ham Yong-Sun— who was presented to me by the
consul. He was presented as a person in difficulties due to a criminal act
of a malicious nature of a person I did not know— in fact, I don’t know if
that malicious crime or the criminal really ever existed. Ham proved that he
was a head of a kindergarten and also was a person who worked with the
consul to lure me to Germany to murder me. (Later, Ham threatened the safety
of my
family.) [It’s important to remember that once the consul
proposed hiring me at the embassy. It was not designed to help and save a
terror target, but to destroy their terror target inside of the embassy by
various methods. Ban’s diplomats can invent certain types of criminal acts
inside of the embassy, in which they can control all the conditions, just
like diplomats Jung and Nho invent strange events and plots.] Why did Ban’s diplomats try to circulate manipulated information concerning the secret transfer of dollars —later they denied adamantly— by using a person —a terror target— who they tried to murder? At the Café Nemrod, Jeon’s attitude —passive and frightened— was very different from the threatening attitude that he exhibited in front of the church just after his failed kidnapping and murder in Antwerp —on that occasion, he was aggressive and determined. Jeon clearly said that it was coming from the diplomats at the aforementioned embassy. Just as they tried to expose me to the so-called “secret materials at the embassy,” Ban tried to expose me to their secret information concerning President Kim’s secret illegal transfer of dollars. That was not genuine information. The amount was inflated enormously. It was an unrealistic amount. That information had to be manipulated with bad intentions. That may make unbelievable the fact that President Kim sent the illegal transfer of dollars to Kim Jong-Il and so on. The fact was denied adamantly by Ban Ki-Moon’s colleagues under Kim Dae-Jung
— because it was very illegal. The explosive character of this act can
easily be ascertained by the fact that President Kim and his men adamantly
denied the illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars and the fact that a
very influential businessman who participated in President Kim’s Sunshine
Policy met a tragic end in the probe that was carried out several years
later. He died after he testified in court about the secret money transfer
made in the name of the Sunshine Policy. President Kim did not want to let
the Korean people know about his illegal transfer of a large amount of
dollars under the Sunshine Policy. President Kim —who received the Nobel Peace Prize— does not want to acknowledge the terror acts organized and committed in Brussels and Atlanta, just like President Kim denied the secrecy of his illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars to Kim Jong-Il and the eavesdropping case of the National Intelligence Service. Both cases —President Kim’s secret, illegal transfer of dollars to Kim Jong-Il and the eavesdropping under President Kim— resulted in the death of a person who worked for him and helped him. President Kim’s secret, illegal acts and the denial of them resulted in the death of an important high-level NIS (KCIA) person who worked for President Kim. Also, in the case of the secret, illegal transfer of dollars in the name of the Sunshine Policy, President Kim’s secret, illegal transfer of a large amount of dollars and the cover-up policy resulted in the death of an important Hyundai business man who had a key role in the Sunshine Policy. But President Kim and his high-ranking diplomats and thugs prove what they have done by committing criminal acts in the field of bio-terrorism and pharmacological and medical torture, and by delivering various menacing messages to keep secret the crimes and the cover-up of terror acts. —Did we see it? Intelligence agencies of other countries are worse. Do you want to die? Why didn’t you end up dead? Why are you coming back (alive)? You are dead!—. Once, in front of the Presidential palace, a person yelled to me that this is how they make their living (by carrying out these crimes and terror acts). Clearly, President Kim and Minister Ban Ki-Moon’s thugs know that I cannot do anything about their criminal and terror acts, and they laugh mockingly about how ineffective justice is. One of the Korean newspapers described that the objective —an intelligence operation such as eavesdropping in overseas locations— which is outside of the nation’s administration and judicial power, must obtain the approval of the president. Clearly, an attempt to kidnap and murder a citizen on foreign soil needed the approval of the president. To Presidential Candidates Lee Myung-Bak, Lee Hoi-Chang and Chung Dong-Young 07/12/07 To President-elect Lee Myung-Bak and former GNP chairwoman
Park Geun-Hye 07/12/21
This site was last updated 08/03/09 - Seoul, Korea