When I entered in to the office of News... , ...
![[It is just an example explaining their highly sophisticated criminality, the same one they showed when they branded me a pro-Kim Il-Sung communist and a pro-American extreme rightist according to their necessities. When they attempted to murder me as an extreme rightist, they used Chinese agents -bioterrorists. When they called me a pro-Kim Il-Sung anti-American communist, they also tried to use NATO and US armed forces at Mons NATO military base. They often refer to the four major powers’ diplomacy. That makes me wonder about the nature of their own burnt offering diplomacy - so called “pragmatic diplomacy”, the diplomacy toward four major powers (China, Japan, Russia and US)-.]](images/photos/ban_ki_moon_un_human_rights_democracy.jpg)
Kurt Waldheim: UN Secretaries-General 1 January 1972 – 31 December
- State terrorism
State Sponsored
Terrorism However, internal security forces can use terror to
aid in repressing dissent, and intelligence or military
organizations perform acts of terror designed to further a state's
policy or diplomatic efforts abroad.
- Write a description about the hyperlinks you are
adding, so visitors will know what the site contains.
- References
- Nuremberg Principles
- Principle III: The fact that a person who
committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law
acted as Head of State or responsible government official does not
relieve him from responsibility under international law.
- Principle IV: The fact that a person acted
pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not
relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a
moral choice was in fact possible to him.
- "Only following orders?"
潘基文 パン・ギムン! "行動しない良心は悪の味方だ."
- Bioterrorism
- Prostitution
- Narcotics
- Torture