Taliban and Al-Qaeda (and other Armed Groups)
Should Immediately and Unconditionally and Safely Free Hostages.
pirates seize South Korean cargo ship-Yonhap .Wed 10 Sep 2008,
8:54 GMT
pirates want $1.4 mln for French tourists. Wed 10 Sep 2008, 9:11
in Nigeria release Israeli hostage Mon 1 Sep 2008, 7:35 GMT
Hijackers free passengers, keep crew hostage. Article published on
the 2008-08-27 Latest update 2008-08-27 09:46 TU
Kidnapped Japanese aid worker found dead in Afghanistan. Last
Updated: Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Somalis name kidnapped Western journalists Sun 24 Aug 2008, 12:03
GMT By Abdi Sheikh and Ibrahim Mohamed. The National Union of Somali
Journalists (NUSOJ) named them as Amanda Lindhout, a Canadian reporter
based in Baghdad but freelancing for French television and Canada's
Global National News, and Nigel Brennan, a freelance Australian
26 Filipino Sailors Held Hostage By Somali Pirates. Written by ANC
News Friday, 22 August 2008 14:37 Philippines
German Hostage Freed in Afghanistan 07.08.2008 At least six
Germans have been kidnapped in Afghanistan since the beginning of
2007. German engineer Rudolf Blechschmidt was released on Oct. 10
after nearly three months in the hands of his abductors.
reunited in North Korea after 47 years Published: August 6, 2008
Two French hostages freed in Afghanistan 3 Aug, 2008, 0013 hrs IST,
Bullet-riddled bodies found on Philippines hostage island: police
Posted Sat Aug 2, 2008 4:21pm AEST
Koreans freed in Mexico 23 July 2008
Afghan commander says kidnapped two French nationals Tuesday, July
22, 2008; 3:00 AM
Kurdish rebel group releases three German tourists following week-long
hostage 21. Juli 2008, 10:22 Uhr
Abducted Turkish engineers freed 7/21/2008 12:28 PM ET
Taliban take 14 Pak govt officials hostage 10 Jul 2008,
Chinese engineer kidnapped in Afghanistan: governor Jul 1, 2008
Pirates take four European tourists hostage Tue June 24, 2008
released in Afghanistan 20 June 2008
Nigeria militants release U.S. hostage By John Poirier 06/19/08
N. Korea's Abduction of U.S. Permanent Resident Fades From Official
View By Glenn Kessler Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, June
19, 2008
Two Indians still hostage as Sudan security weakens New Delhi,
June 07, 2008
Indian hostage 'safe, well' 04/06/2008 13:52 - (SA)
Report: Japanese tourist kidnapped in Iran back in Japan. The
Associated Press Published: June 17, 2008
d’une ressortissante canadienne en Haïti. A la veille de l’arrivée
au pays de 8 experts en lutte contre le kidnapping de la police
canadienne jeudi 22 mai 2008,
Libération de l'ambassadeur pakistanais otage de taliban. Reuters
samedi 17 mai 2008, mis à jour à 14:25
Somalie: un bateau jordanien pris en otage, selon un diplomate
occidental. AP | 17.05.2008 | 17:07
British hostage in Iraq has committed suicide, captors claim. The
kidnappers of five British men taken hostage in Iraq have released a
video statement claiming one of their captives has committed suicide.
By Ben Ehrman Last Updated: 1:55AM BST 21 Jul 2008
the hostage crisis Staff and agencies guardian.co.uk, Sunday July
20 2008
British hostage in Iraq reportedly commits suicide. The statement,
from the Shiite militia that claimed to have kidnapped five Britons a
year ago, could not be immediately verified.
From the Associated Press July 20, 2008
Families of British hostages in mercy plea on TV. By David
Williams Last updated at 12:21 AM on 30th May 2008
remember kidnapped Britons 29 May 2008
Father breaks his silence to plead with Iraqi kidnappers. One year
after the abduction of five Britons working in Baghdad, the Foreign
Office is criticised for failing to secure their release David Lister,
Scotland Correspondent May 17, 2008
Families issue appeal to Iraqi kidnappers March 1 2008
Families of British hostages tell Iraq kidnappers to show their
humanity March 01, 2008
UK PM Brown: Hostage video deplorable February 27, 2008
Briton held in Iraq for 8 months is put on TV February 27, 2008
UK hostage pleads for prisoner swap in Iraq video By CRAIG BROWN
27 February 2008
- Iraq
'hostage Briton' video aired 26 February 2008
- Arab
Network Airs Video of British Hostage Kidnapped Last Year in Iraq.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Two Scots among five ‘forgotten’ hostages, By Neil Mackay Families
under pressure not to speak to press over men held captive Jan , 2008
makes hostage plea 12 December 2007 Former Archbishop of
Canterbury Lord Carey has appealed for the release of five British
hostages held in Iraq.
Brown gives troops credit for Iraq gains Peter Macdiarmid /
Associated Press December 10, 2007
Gordon Brown demands release of five British hostages December 9,
Families urge Iraq kidnappers to free hostages. Owen Bowcott
Thursday December 6, 2007
Kidnappers release death threat video of 'forgotten' British hostage
in Iraq. By DAVID WILLIAMS - More by this author » Last updated at
07:08am on 6th December 2007
10 days to save ‘forgotten’ hostages. Dec 5 2007 by Ben Glaze,
South Wales Echo
Brit Iraq Hostage Video Criticised. Updated:06:01, Wednesday
December 05, 2007 The release of a video showing one of five Britons
kidnapped in Iraq six months ago has been condemned by the Government.
Insurgents threaten to kill Briton unless UK pulls out of Iraq.
Otage anglais. Les ravisseurs demandent à Londres le retrait d'Irak.
Associated Press (AP) 04/12/2007 09h55
Indigna a Londres nuevo video de rehén británico en Irak. 07.12.04
- Difunden
video de rehén británico en Irak. Exigen secuestradores que Gran
Bretaña retire sus tropas de Irak; la cinta muestra a un a un hombre
ojeroso bajo un cartel que dice ''Resistencia Islámica Chiita en
Irak'' Martes 04 de diciembre de 2007
Un otage autrichien d'Al-Qaïda a pu téléphoner à son fils (©AFP /
14 juin 2008 10h50)
Un Autrichien otage d'Al-Qaïda depuis février a pu téléphoner à son
fils 14 juin 2008
Report: Mali hostage mediators were killed. Published: April 18,
2008 at 10:08 AM
Al-Qaeda Group Holding Austrian Hostages Issues Fresh Demands By
Ed Johnson April 8 (Bloomberg)
Austria rejects Al Qaeda’s deadline on hostage issue Web posted
at: 4/6/2008 1:16:48 Source ::: AFP
Austria continues hostage talks AFP Published: Mar 25, 2008
Austria in contact with al Qaeda hostages in Mali. Tue 18 Mar
2008, 17:32 GMT
Austria seeks Libyan help to free kidnapped tourists. AFP - Mar
17, 2008
Captors extend deadline, set ransom for Austrian hostages
www.chinaview.cn 2008-03-17 09:38:48 Militants linked to al-Qaeda have
set a 5-million-euro (about 7.8 million U.S. dollars) ransom ...
Web site says Austrians held near Mali town as talks begin. Sat
Mar 15, 2008 7:06pm GMT
Austrian leader calls for immediate release of hostages held by Al-Qaida.
The Associated Press Published: March 14, 2008
Al Qaeda's N Africa branch gives 3-day ultimatum on Austria hostages.
www.chinaview.cn 2008-03-14 16:58:30
Qaeda group demands prisoner swap for Austrians: report Mar 13,
Qaeda's Sahara kidnap shows Maghreb threat. Wed Mar 12, 2008
8:34am EDT
Al-Qaida says it kidnapped two Austrian tourists in Tunisia By
OMAR SINAN The Associated Press March 10, 2008
kidnapped women freed in Yemen / Tribal leader persuades gunmen to
release abducted tourists unharmed. Toshiyuki Fukushima / Yomiuri
Shimbun Correspondent May. 9, 2008
troops 'taken hostage' 9 May 2008
Police storm
Warsaw hotel room, free three captive Jewish teens. Last update -
18:29 05/05/2008 By Haaretz Service and News Agencies
Pakistani militants free two workers of US-based NGO. May 3, 2008,
12:37 GMT
Haïti-Kidnapping. Deux otage libérés, quatre de leurs présumés
ravisseurs arrêtés. Paris se réjouit de la libération contre rançon du
coopérant français Jean-Michel Maurin. vendredi 2 mai 2008
Panamanian Police Charged With Kidnapping American Businessman.
April 29, 2008 10:33 p.m. EST
Chinese hostages freed in Indonesia. Published: April 29, 2008 at
7:11 AM
Tchad: Otage américain, le Président du MDJT Choua Dazi s'exprime
Lundi 28 Avril 2008 - 21:59
Somalie: l'équipage d'un bateau espagnol pris en otage a été libéré
(ats / 26 avril 2008 21:17)
Father of German-Iraqi Hostage Appeals to Kidnappers 25.04.2008
Taliban hostage, says Pak diplomat Shamim Shahid Sunday, April 20,
Freed CBS Journalist Speaks. Kidnapped Producer Working For 60 Minutes
Was Rescued After 2 Months In Captivity April 19, 2008
Le récit d'un otage du "Ponant" : "On s'est saisis des lances à
incendie pour repousser les pirates" LE MONDE | 15.04.08 | 14h47 •
Mis à jour le 15.04.08 | 14h47
Otage autrichien mort en Irak: sa firme nie les demandes de rançon
samedi 12 avril 2008, 11h35 | leparisien.fr
Two aid
workers reported missing in Afghanistan Time is GMT + 8 hours
Posted: 11-Apr-2008 00:58 hrs
Philippines militants release hostage after two months Updated Fri
Apr 11, 2008 7:49pm AEST
Hostage freed by Islamic guerillas in Philippines Manila, Mar. 28,
2008 (CWNews.com)
German hostage in
poor health Published: 25 Mar 08 08:50 CET
From dramatic hostage-taking to muggings, foreigners find rising crime
in mainland China. The Associated Press Published: March 17, 2008
Freed Belgian hostages may leave Guatemala Monday. Sun Mar 16,
2008 2:28pm EDT
'Severed fingers' of hostages sent to US. By Natalie Paris and
agencies. Last Updated: 2:35am GMT 16/03/2008
Severed fingers
of Redding man, other hostages surface in Baghdad. By Christina
Jewett - cjewett@sacbee.com Published 12:00 am PDT Thursday, March 13,
German Hostage Regains Freedom Vanguard (Lagos) 6 March 2008
Colombian hostage-release did not include Norwegian 06 Mar 2008
Aussies heading home after China hostage ordeal Posted Thu Mar 6,
2008 7:17am AEDT
Chinese managers held hostage 04/03/2008 12:33 - (SA)
Kidnapped Journalist Offered in ‘Hostage Swap’ But Release Not Yet
Being Considered Rumwold Leigh for The Georgian Times 2008.03.03
Militants Kill Hostage Despite Paying N2 Million Ransom Vanguard
(Lagos) 1 March 2008
TV2 journalist held
hostage twice in Afghanistan, By The Copenhagen Post Published
06.02.08 00:00
Area family of hostage in Afghanistan urges captors to release her,
By The Associated Press February 3, 2008
Taliban gunmen take 200 children hostage, By Isambard Wilkinson in
Islamabad Last Updated: 2:08am GMT 30/01/2008
Colombian jungle captives cry tears of freedom January 12, 2008
Colombian tried to escape rebels with Betancourt Jan 11, 2008
TIMELINE: Hostage-taking in Colombia Jan 11, 2008
Colombia rules out more foreign hostage missions Jan 7, 2008
Affaiblie, la guérilla colombienne utilise les otages pour se relancer
LE MONDE | 01.01.08 | 12h07
заложников в Колумбии откладывается 01.01.2008 05:32
Colombian hostage rescue deal crumbles Published: January 1, 2008
Freedom near for hostages December 28, 2007 Hugh Bronstein in
Colombia Senator Says Hostage Release Still Planned, AFP Says By
Matthew Walter, Dec. 25 (Bloomberg)
Colombia grandma wants hostages free for Christmas Mon Dec 24,
2007 3:14pm EST
Colombian hostage sees death as 'a sweet option', But husband is
trying to give her hope by dropping leaflets in jungle Dec. 23,
2007, 12:15AM
Colombia: 3 Hostages May Be Freed Soon By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE,
Published: December 19, 2007
France asks for Mexico's help in Colombian hostage crisis Dec 11,
Correa Joins Leaders Urging Colombia Hostage Release (Update1) By
Helen Murphy December 10, 2007 15:15 EST
Colombia open to hostage deal By Chris Kraul, Los Angeles Times
Staff Writer December 8, 2007
Area Group
on Church Mission Trip Taken Hostage Monday January 07, 2008
Gunmen in Somalia release kidnapped doctor and nurse, AFP,
MOGADISHU Friday, Jan 04, 2008,
Tuareg rebels free some army hostages-govt. Sat 29 Dec 2007, 20:31
Somali police launch hostage rescue mission 26.12.2007 | 22:00 UTC
hostage crisis ends 12/25/2007 8:55:23 AM
Authorities Continue Search for German Hostage in Afghanistan |
Merchant Vessel Golden Nori Released, Navy News | December 13,
2007, Somalia-based pirates seized the Golden Nori Oct. 28 and held
the 23-man crew hostage in Somali territorial waters.
Cops nab Abu man convicted in absentia for Dos Palmas case
12/11/2007 3:26 PM
Philippines kidnappers who beheaded US hostage jailed. Ian
MacKinnon, south-east Asia correspondent Thursday December 6, 2007
FACTBOX-Philippine hostage saga. Thu Dec 6, 2007 1:23am EST
MANILA, Dec 6 (Reuters) - A Manila court sentenced 14 members of
Muslim militant group Abu Sayyaf to life in prison on Thursday for the
kidnapping of 20 people from a beach resort in 2001 and the
decapitation of three of them, including an American.
Court sentences
missionary kidnappers in the Philippines Posted: 10 December, 2007
Bangladeshi hostage freed in Afghanistan: NGO AFP - Dec 8, 2007
Greek cops
rescue Bangladeshi held hostage by compatriots 2007-12-08
Three U.S. workers held since 2003 and a politician captive since 2002
are seen on tapes found with FARC. They are the first 'proof of
life' for the captives in four years. By Chris Kraul, Los Angeles
Times Staff Writer December 1, 2007
hostage from South Georgia may still be alive. Updated: Dec 1,
2007 12:50 PM
Clinton office siege ends with arrest of hostage taker. 1st
December 2007, 9:15 WST
Cinq pays discutent
de représailles militaires contre les pirates Somaliens. Par
Rédacteur en chef, Publié le 23 novembre 2007, dernière mise à jour le
23 novembre 2007.
Five hostage oil workers freed in Sudan 11.19.07, 10:02 AM ET
Eight Hostage Soldiers Released. The eight soldiers taken hostage
after a PKK attack in Daglica, Hakkari, on 21 October, have been
released. They were handed over to a delegation from Turkey. Bıa news
agency 05-11-2007
Kurdish rebels release eight Turkish troops Ankara, November 04,
Hostage Poles in Nigeria brought to safety. Polish Radio External
Service, Poland - Oct 30, 2007
Irish hostage rescued in Ghana Last Updated: 31/10/2007 21:23
Crew wins deadly pirate battle off Somalia October 30, 2007 --
Updated 2124 GMT (0524 HKT)
Nine Filipinos among 23 seamen seized by pirates in Somalia Oct
31, 2007, 5:51 GMT
ship hijacked in Africa 29 October 2007
Armed group attacked Eni's Agip offshore platform in Nigeria -
UPDATE October 26, 2007: 05:31 AM EST
Foreign oil
companies target of kidnappings by Darfur rebels. Militants accuse
China in particular of fuelling conflict with royalties that seldom
benefit the poor Oct 26, 2007 04:30 AM
Alan Johnston plans return to World Service 26 October 2007
остановилось пять лет назад". В Москве вспомнили жертв одного из самых
страшных терактов в истории России 26.10.2007 / GZT.ru
Hostage Soldiers Are AliveThe PKK has published photographs of the
eight soldiers it took hostage at the weekend. Bıa news centre
24-10-2007 Tolga KORKUT
Russia remembers theater hostage-taking Published: 23, 2007 at
7:35 AM
Hostage-Taking - Stop Paying Ransom -IYC 22 October 2007
Seven oilfield hostages freed in Nigeria By Tom Ashby Reuters
Monday, October 22, 2007; 5:55 PM
hostage is one of 7 seized in Nigeria RUSSELL JACKSON Mon 22 Oct
- 3
foreigners abducted in Nigeria PRETORIA, October 22 (Itar-Tass) --
Three foreigners – a Croat, a Russian and a Briton - were abducted
from a coastal oilrig of Royal Dutch Shell in Nigeria early on Sunday
morning. 22.10.2007, 01.03
Released priests in good health in Iraq October 22, 2007
Chadian rebels take US man hostage October 18 2007 at 02:14PM
N'Djamena - A United States humanitarian worker participating in an
aid project was captured by Tubu rebels in Tibesti, northern Chad,
rebels said on Thursday.
Local Man Held Hostage in Iran Released After 4 Months - Arrested
After Visiting Ailing Mother In Tehran. By Eileen Frere IRVINE,
Oct. 16, 2007 (KABC-TV)
South Korea denies paying Taliban ransom for hostages. SEOUL (AFP)
Oct. 16, 2007
Seoul faces criticism over continued captivity of S. Korean sailors in
Somalia By Byun Duk-kun 2007/10/15 11:39 KST The families, mostly
from the southern port city of Busan, are expected to visit Seoul
again later Monday to demand a meeting with
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo.
Hostage in Somalia Urges Gov't to Help End Captivity Johannesburg
_ A South Korean hostage being held by Somali pirates for five months
Friday asked the Seoul government to expedite negotiations for release
of him and 23 other fishermen, saying they were being treated like
animals. 10-12-2007 16:56
welcomes French offer to counter Somali pirates Thu 27 Sep 2007,
6:41 GMT NAIROBI (Reuters) - The U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) has
welcomed an offer by France to help guard ships from pirates as they
carry desperately needed food aid to Somalia.
Four POSCO officials taken hostage, released Co reacts sharply,
condemns act Bhubaneswar, Oct. 13
Police colluded with Taliban, say Afghan and German hostage Friday
October 12
Uribe, Chavez meet for hostage swap talks, unveil pipeline
DigitalJournal.com, Canada - Oct 12, 2007
Of Japanese Student In Iran Seek To Swap Hostage With Jailed Son October
12, 2007 9:03 p.m. EST
Taliban frees 5 hostages in exchange KABUL, Afghanistan // A
German engineer and four Afghans taken hostage in July were freed
yesterday in exchange for five imprisoned criminals, an Afghan
official said. October 11, 2007
Army will
release us soon, says hostage soldiers Thursday October 11, 2007
(2202 PST)
Filipino hostage freed by Nigerian gunmen Africasia, UK - Oct 9,
Nigerian troops free British hostage in oil delta Reuters Friday,
October 5, 2007; 3:34 AM
Colombia Captives' Families Undaunted by Talks Delay (Update1) By
Helen Murphy Oct. 4 (Bloomberg)
4 More Kidnappings In Afghanistan, Red Cross Workers, Who Helped Other
Hostages, Abducted With Their Drivers, KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 27,
2007 Word came Thursday morning that two Red Cross workers last
month helped free 19 South Korean hostages were kidnapped themselves
Wednesday - along with their two Afghan drivers - while trying to
negotiate with militants on behalf of a German hostage.
- 11:21
que rehén alemán fue liberado y secuestrado otra vez en Afganistán
07.09.27 Kabul/Ginebra/Berlín.- El ingeniero alemán Rudolf B.,
secuestrado desde hace más de dos meses en Afganistán, fue liberado el
miércoles y luego secuestrado nuevamente, según versiones coincidentes
de las autoridades locales y de círculos talibán.
Deutsche Geisel freigelassen, dann erneut verschleppt, 28.
September 2007, 04:00 Uhr, Kabul - Die Freilassung des seit zwei
Monaten in Afghanistan entführten deutschen Bauingenieurs Rudolf B.
ist offenkundig in letzter Minute gescheitert.
Four Red Cross hostages freed in Afghanistan, 29 Sep 2007, 1833
hrs IST,AP
Entführte Rot-Kreuz-Helfer in Afghanistan wieder frei, Afghanischer
Regierungssprecher: "Alle wohlauf" 29.09.2007
Hope for relatives of Colombian hostages, BY PABLO BACHELET Sep.
27, 2007
Mali: les rebelles touareg libèrent un autre otage (médiateur)
26.09.07 | 16h39
Two Italian soldiers freed after Afghan kidnapping Sept 24, 2007 -
HERAT, Afghanistan (AFP) — NATO freed two kidnapped Italian
soldiers in western Afghanistan in an operation which left both troops
wounded and up to nine of their captors dead, officials said.
Khmer Rouge "Brother No. 2" faces U.N. court Wed Sep 19, 2007
1:44pm IST PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Khmer Rouge "Brother Number Two"
Nuon Chea, Pol Pot's top surviving henchman, was arrested on Wednesday
at his house on the Thai border and taken to Phnom Penh to face the
U.N. "Killing Fields" tribunal for the first time.
Bangladesh man kidnapped in Afghanistan Sep 15, 2007 KABUL (AFP) —
A Bangladeshi development worker was kidnapped in Afghanistan by
unknown men in a brazen daytime attack on his office, officials said
Sunday -- the latest in a string of abductions of foreigners.
Freed Belgian hostage in Iran united with family Sat 15 Sep 2007,
20:58 GMT TEHRAN (Reuters) - A Belgian man taken hostage by
bandits in southeast Iran last month was reunited with his parents in
Tehran on Saturday after Iranian forces helped secure his release,
Iran's foreign minister said.
50 Years On, Romanian Still Seeks Lost North Korean Husband 2007.09.12
SEOUL—More than half a century after she met and fell in love with her
North Korean husband, an elderly Romanian woman is hoping to be
reunited with him before she dies, following four decades of enforced
separation by authorities in the isolated Stalinist state.
Amenazan con matar a un rehén si Alemania no se marcha de Afganistán
11/09/2007 06:46 (CET) DUBAI.- Un grupo insurgente de Irak amenazó
a Alemania con matar a un rehén de esa nacionalidad si en diez días no
retiraba sus soldados de Afganistán. El joven fue secuestrado hace más
de siete meses junto a su madre, que fue liberada en julio.
Entführer drohen erneut mit Ermordung der Irak-Geisel 10.09.2007
Washington (AFP) — Sieben Monate nach der Verschleppung des Deutschen
Sinan Krause im Irak haben die Entführer erneut mit der Ermordnung
ihrer Geisel gedroht.
- 'Farc
hostage' bodies recovered 10 September 2007 It is thought that the
11 are all lawmakers, killed three months ago while being held hostage
by the rebels.
Algérie: un otage égyptien du GSPC libéré (services de sécurité)
09.09.07 | 13h12 L'otage égyptien enlevé il y a près de quatre
mois par un groupe islamiste armé a été libéré jeudi par les forces de
sécurité algérien, ont indiqué dimanche les services de sécurité dans
un communiqué.
Foreign hostage believed killed in Nigeria Sat Sep 8, 2007 5:21pm BST
PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Nigerian troops found the
corpse of a man believed to be a foreign hostage floating in a creek
on Saturday near a village where five people died in fighting this
week, a military spokesman said.
Taliban claim abduction of soldiers, demand withdrawal of troops
September 03, 2007 PESHAWAR: Local Taliban militants said on
Sunday they had abducted scores of soldiers, demanding the withdrawal
of troops from tribal areas in exchange for their release.
Freed by Taliban, 19 South Korean Hostages Will Face Relief and
Anger Back Home By CHOE SANG-HUN Published: September 2, 2007 [July 19, 2007 - 23 South Koreans were kidnapped by the Taliban. Two of 23 hostages were killed by the Taliban kidnappers. The
remaining 21 hostages were released.]
Moscow Marks Third Anniversary of Beslan School Hostage Crisis
Saturday, September 01, 2007 MOSCOW — Top Russian officials met
with survivors and relatives of victims of the Beslan school hostage
seizure on Saturday, the third anniversary of the horrifying siege's
Taliban threaten to kidnap more foreigners Aug 31 2007 icWales
Taliban militants vowed to abduct more foreigners after ending a
six-week hostage drama by releasing the last seven of a group of
kidnapped South Koreans under a deal with the Seoul government.
Video shows desperate German Taleban hostageTim Albone in Kandahar.
August 23, 2007 The video, broadcast today on Tolo TV, a private
Afghan station, show the first pictures of Rudolph Blechschmidt, 62,
since his capture. He appears in poor health and is slumped over,
holding his chest and coughing.